Shadow Ridge Middle School Computer Science

Tynker 101

Mrs. Hulstrom


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Programming 101 Pen Drawing!

Let’s get artsy! In this lesson, students will create patterns on the Stage with pen drawings while setting the pen’s color and thickness. Additionally, students will create an Etch A Sketch© style drawing machine!

New Code Blocks

  •  : Stamp an image of the Actor on the Stage.
  •  : Clear all markings made by the pen or stamp.
  •  : Set the pen’s thickness to the specified value.
  •  : Set the pen’s color to the specified color.
  •  : Put the pen down to draw an image on the Stage.
  •  : Change the pen’s thickness by the specified amount.
  •  : Increase the color by the number specified by the parameter.
  •  : Change the pen’s shade (lightness) by the specified amount.

Objectives Students will...

  • Use Pen commands
  • Make multiple copies of Actors
  • Create an Etch A Sketch© style drawing machine.

Activities (45 minutes)

1. Dr. Glitch’s STAMPede (Video)
  • Students will watch a short video where Dr. Glitch makes his picture appear all over the Stage!
2. Stamp Machine Example (Example)
  • This module is an example of a Stamp Machine project, which they will create their own version of in the next module.
  • Students will need to click or tap on the Stage to stamp the Actor.
3. Stamp Machine (DIY)
  • In this DIY project, students will program a stamp to follow their mouse or touch location, leaving an impression on the Stage whenever they click (for web) or tap (for mobile) the Stage!
  • Activities include making the stamp follow your students’ mouse or touch location and programming the stamp to leave imprints on the Stage.
4. Stamp Machine II Example (Example)
  • Students will view a project that expands on the previous example module.
  • Tell students to use the “Erase” button to clear all stamps on the Stage.
5. Stamp Machine II (DIY)
  • In this DIY project, students will expand on their project by programming an erase button that clears the paper (Stage).
  • Students are introduced to the “clear” code block, which clears the Stage of stamps.
  • Optional: Encourage students to create more designs using their own drawings!
6. Pattern Maker (DIY)
  • In this DIY project, students will create a geometric pattern using a loop, motion blocks, and the “stamp” block.
  • The resultant image will be 24 stamps of the same arrow shape, evenly arranged in a circular pattern.
  • Optional challenge question: Ask students, “If the arrow had to turn 15 degrees to make a circle in 24 repeats, how many times would it have to repeat to make a half circle?” (12)
7. Drawing Machine Example (Example)
  • In this module, students will view a project of a drawing pad, which they will create their own version of in the next module.
8. Drawing Machine (DIY)
  • In this DIY project, students will apply coding concepts (e.g., setting the pen size, pen color, changing the pen size) to turn their mouse pointer or touch location into an interactive pen!
  • Emphasize to students that using a “pen down” code block makes a line appear on the Stage whenever the Actor moves. Additionally, using the “go to” code block with the Pen creates the effect of using the mouse pointer (for web) or a finger (for mobile) to draw.
9. Pen Color and Shade Example (Example)
  • Students will view an example of a project that improves on the previous drawing projects!
  • Check that students are using tilt (for mobile) or pressing the left and right arrow keys. What happens? (the pen color and shade changes)
10. Pen Color and Shade (DIY)
  • In this DIY project, students will add keyboard events (for web) or tilt features (for mobile) to control the pen color and shade.
  • Activities include changing the pen color by pressing the left arrow key or tilting left, and changing the pen shade by pressing the right arrow key or tilting right.
  • Bonus: Can students make the pen continually change color as they draw? (Hint: They will need to put a “change pen color by” block inside a “forever” loop.)
11. Drawing Machine Deluxe Example (Example)
  • Students will view an example of a project of a drawing spaceship!
  • Check that students are using tilt (for mobile) or pressing the arrow keys (for web) to draw on the Stage.
12. Drawing Machine Deluxe (DIY)
  • In this DIY project, students will create a drawing machine that they can control using arrow keys or tilt controls!
  • Students will program a spaceship that draws where it travels.
  • Did students finish early? Direct their attention to the “Bonus” activity in “Step 4/5" of the tutorial, which encourages students to add an eraser.
13. Colored Lines (Puzzle)
  • To solve this puzzle module, students will need to program Codey to draw colored lines to match the candy color.
  • Are students struggling? Give a hint: Tell them to change the parameter of the “when pressed” (for web) or “when tilting” (for mobile) code block.
14. Dr. Glitch Has Made a Mess! (Video)
  • Students will watch a short video that reviews the “stamp,” “pen,” and “clear” code blocks while reinforcing coding concepts.
15. Quiz (Multiple-Choice)

U.S. Standards

  • K-12 CTSA Computer Science Standards (Revised 2017)
    Computer Science Teachers Association:
    • 1B-AP-10
    • 1B-AP-11
    • 1B-AP-12
    • 1B-AP-15
    • 2-AP-12
    • 2-AP-13
    • 2-AP-15
    • 2-AP-16
    • 2-AP-17
  • CCSS-Math: 2.OA.B.2, 3.NBT.A.2, 4.NBT.A.2, MP.1, MP.2, MP.4
  • CCSS-ELA: RF.1.1, RF.2.4, RF.2.4.A, RF.3.4.A, RF.4.4.A, RI.2.6
  • CS CA:K-2.AP.12, K-2.AP.13, K-2.AP.16, 3-5.AP.13, 3-5.AP.14, 3-5.AP.17
  • ISTE: 1.c, 1.d, 4.d, 5.c, 5.d, 7.c
Shadow Ridge Middle School
12551 Holly Street
Thornton, Colorado 80241